

test 1

Contact database import/export

Possibility to import or export the contact database to other tool.

Managing individual discount codes

Possibility of uploading discount codes and their distribution by the use of e-mail messages.

Targeting campaigns to selected user segments

Possibility of sending a campaign to the specified user segments previously created.

Multi-channel customer identification, including mobile

Possibility of identifying the cookie of user who uses various devices while browsing the website.

E-mail message HTML editor

Possibility of creating an email template using an email HTML creator.

Campaign: appreciating loyal customers

Possibility of generating an email to a few customers who are considered loyal, e.g. they’ve made a purchase X times for X PLN. After prior consultation with the client, our system can match the type and form of communication to each group.

Campaign: mobilisation of passive customers

Possibility of generating an email to users who didn’t visit the e-shop in the given time. Possibility to use “Bestsellers”, “Trends”, “Selected for you” logics and discount codes.

Newsletter: basic or advanced with product recommendations

Generating a cyclic newsletter campaign with possibility to apply personalised recommendation frames.

Campaign: remarketing after the visit

Displaying to the user products from “Previously viewed” or “Selected for you” categories that aim to remind about the visit in the e-shop and encourage the user to come back. One email or a sequence of emails can be sent.

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