
Current ESPI report No. 21/2020 – Update of information on the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic on the operation of the Issuer.

Current ESPI report No. 20/2020 – Information about new trade agreements on the Polish market.

Current ESPI Report No 19/2020 –Information on new trade agreements on the Czech and Slovak markets

Raport bieżący ESPI 19/2020 –Informacja o nowych umowach handlowych na rynku czeskim i słowackim

Current ESPI Report No. 18/2020 – List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A. held on 28 August 2020

Current ESPI Report No. 17/2020 – Supplementation the documentation for the OGM of QuarticOn

Current Report ESPI No 16/2020 – Information on new commercial contract

Current Report ESPI No 15/2020 – Supplementation the documentation for the Oridinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A. convened for 28th August 2020

Raport Bieżący ESPI nr 15/2020 – Uzupełnienie dokumentacji na Zwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie QuarticOn S.A. zwołane na dzień 28 sierpnia 2020 r.

Current ESPI Report No. 14/2020 – Convening of the Oridinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A. for 28th August 2020

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