
Current report ESPI nr 11/2022 – Convening of the EGM of QuarticOn S.A. for 14 December 2022

Current report ESPI nr 9/2022 – List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A. held on 30 June 2022

Current report ESPI nr 8/2022 – Supplementation the documentation for the OGM of QuarticOn

Current Report ESPI No 7/2022 – Notification of a change in the share in the total number of votes in the Company

Current Report ESPI No 6/2022 – Convening of the Ordinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A. for 30 June 2022

Current report ESPI No. 4/2022 – Information on the new contracts

Current report ESPI No. 2/2022 – Information on the allocation of series H shares

Current report ESPI No. 2/2022 – Notification of a change in the share in the total number of votes in the Company

Current report ESPI No. 1/2022 – Notifications of a change in the share in the total number of votes in the Company

Current report ESPI No. 25/2021 – Signing a grant agreement with the National Center for Research and Development

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