
Current report ESPI 4/2024 – Decision of the Management Board to take action to issue shares

Current Report ESPI nr 3/2024 – submitting an application for approval of the arrangement

Current Report ESPI nr 2/2024 – Correction

Current Report ESPI nr 2/2024 – Update of the Company’s strategy – declassification of delayed confidential information.

Current Report ESPI nr 1/2024 – Completion of the “AI Fashion Stylist” research and development project.

Current Report ESPI nr 5/2023 – List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A.

Current Report ESPI nr 4/2023 – Supplementation the documentation for the OGM of QuarticOn S.A.

Current Report ESPI nr 3/2023 – Convening of the OGM of QuarticOn S.A. for 29 June 2023

Current report ESPI nr 2/2023 – Update of information on the implementation of research and development works in the AI Stylista Modowy project.

Current report ESPI nr 1/2023 – List of shareholders with 5% or more votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A.

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