
Current Report EBI nr 16/2022 – Adjournment of the Extraordinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A.

Current Report EBI nr 15/2022 – – Convening of the EGM of QuarticOn S.A. for 14 December 2022

Current Report EBI nr 14/2022 – Periodic report for the third quarter of 2022

Current Report EBI nr 13/2022 – Periodic report for the second quarter of 2022

Current report EBI nr 12/2022 – Termination of the contract with an Authorised Adviser

Current report EBI nr 11/2022 – Resolutions adopted by the Originary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A. held on 30 June 2022

Current report EBI nr 10/2022 – Supplementation the documentation for the OGM of QuarticOn

Current Report EBI No 9/2022 – Convening of the Oridinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A. for 30 June 2022

Current report EBI nr 8/2022 – Periodic report for 2021.

Current Report EBI nr 7/2022 – Court registration of the change in the amount of the issuer’s share capital

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