
Current report EBI No. 8/2019 – Resignation of the Member of the SB and submitting the candidate for an independent Member of the SB

Current report EBI No. 7/2019 – Draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A. convened for 24 April 2019

Current report EBI No. 6/2019 – Convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A. for 24 April 2019

Current report EBI No. 5/2019 – Periodic report for the fourth quarter of 2018

Current report EBI No. 4/2019 – Information on the scope of application of the rules of the “Good Practices of NewConnect Listed Companies“

Current report EBI No. 3/2019 – Dates of publication of periodic reports in 2019

Current report EBI No. 2/2019 – Information on the contract with the Authorised Adviser

Current report EBI No. 1/2019 – Access to EBI System

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