
Current report EBI 8/2024 – Convening of the Ordinary General Meeting of QuarticOn S.A. for 26 June

Current report EBI 7/2024 – Resignation of the President of the Management Board Report

Current report EBI 6/2024 – Periodic report for the first quarter of 2024

Current report EBI 5/2024 – information on the status of application of the principles of the Good Practices

Current report EBI 4/2024 – Periodic report for the fourth quarter of 2023

Current report EBI No. 3/2024 – Change of the address of the issuer

Current Report EBI No. 2/2024 – Resignation from the position in the Supervisory Board of the Company

Current report EBI 1/2024 – Dates of publication of periodic reports in 2024.

Current report EBI 12/2023 – Periodic report for the third quarter of 2023

Current report EBI 11/2023 – Periodic report for the second quarter of 2023

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