Displaying the list of phrases most frequently searched by all users when entering the phrase (usually 3 characters) in a small search engine (autocomplete) by the user. Clicking on a phrase leads to the search results.
After entering the phrase in a small search engine (autocomplete), in addition to the list of found products, we display a list of X (usually 1) products corresponding to the phrase, but with the highest sales, clicks or views.
After entering the phrase in a small search engine (autocomplete), in addition to the search results, we display a column with completion of the results. It is possible to define the number of suggestions and the fields for which we want to suggest, e.g. we suggest the entire name of the product or the category in which the product is located. Suggestions are generated in order of the most common results for the searched phrase/part of the phrase.
Possibility to convert the default pagination of results to a button which loads more products.
Narrowing search result list down by filtering. Filters are created automatically based on the phrases entered by the user. Filtering by categories, price and provided attributes, such as: manufacturer, colour, brand, size.
Displaying search results in a modal displayed above the client’s website.
The website user can sort the search results by the following parameters: default (by relevance), by name and by price.
By default, static pagination is used. However, there’s a possibility of using dynamic loading of results as a form of pagination.
Possibility of using search engine usage statistics by connecting the website with Google Site Search in Google Analytics.
Support for: Arabic, English, Armenian, Bengali, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Czech, Danish, Flemish, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindu, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian , Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Thai.