If you already use QuarticOn’s recommendation frames in your shop, it is possible to implement an additional frame (Selected for you) on the page with zero search results.
Optional Powered by QON branding in the search engine.
Powered by QON branding in the search engine.
By default, the product catalogue is refreshed once a day. If you want to take advantage of the on-request catalogue refresh, please purchase a technical support package.
The website user can sort the search results also outside the standard parameters, e.g. according to additional criteria (if available in the xml product catalogue), as well as according to behavioural data: clicks on the product from the search engine, product views, product sales, combinations of these data. Data granulation is available in the following ranges: 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 30 days.
Presenting search results on a dedicated subpage with the option of paging results, sorting them (by default, by price and by name) and filtering them by a nested list of categories (three levels) and price.
Possibility of using a single product catalog compatible with the Google Merchant, QuarticXML or Heureka format.
Searching by product ID and SKU without the use of quotation marks. The results show exactly one product, if available in the feed.
Displaying the list of the most popular products (for the entire e‑shop, not for a specific search phrase.) when entering the phrase (first 3 characters) in a small search engine (autocomplete) by the user.
Displaying the list of the last products searched by a given user when entering the phrase (first 3 characters) in a small search engine (autocomplete) by them. Clicking on a phrase leads to the search results. It is also possible to delete a single phrase or all phrases at once from the searching history.