
Filtering extended by available attributes

Basic filtering, as described above, with additional possibility of filtering products displayed in the recommendation frame based on their profit margin, brand or other attributes available on the product feed.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence algorithms and machine learning.

Best practice and case study base

Unlimited access to the Case Study and Best Pracitice database.

Updating product catalogue: every 24 hours

Updating a product catalogue every 24 hours.

Participation in the BETA tests of new products

Possibility of taking part in BETA tests of new products prepared by a team of dedicated developers. Communication takes place directly with the QuarticOn Product Owner and relates to the exchange of experiences and opinions as well as preferential conditions for using new functionalities.

Implementation through API access key

API interface integration thanks to which the user connects their server or service with QuarticOn and can send data between them.

Implementation of the product catalogue using a crawler or XML file (Google Merchant)

Possibility of providing a product catalogue as an XML file (Google Merchant recommended) or implementing it with the use of crawler that is automatically triggered by QuarticOn.

24/7: prioritising the SLA team

Technical team support available 24/7.

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

Support and contact from a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

Support: chat

Possibility to submit technical queries via chat.

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