
Univerzita e-commerce

Slovník nejdůležitějších pojmů v oblasti e-commerce

Vyplatí se účastnit akce Black Friday?

Zkontrolujte, zda stojí to za to podílet se na rostoucí popularitě Black Friday a jaké jsou výhody účasti

10 chyb, které dělají internetové obchody

Zjisti, proč některé obchody udržují vysokou úroveň konverze a v jiných zákazníci utíkají před dokončením transakcí

4 most common mistakes when implementing marketing automation tools

Read the article and find out what are the most common mistakes made when implementing marketing automation tools

5 most common mistakes made in communication with customers

Read the article and check what to avoid to keep store users with you

5 applications for marketing automation

Check what marketing automation is and what are its key applications in e-commerce

5 golden rules for composing e-mails to customers

Learn 5 proven tips on how to write emails to be effective and encourage customers to further conversation

What do you know about your customers? Segmentation of customers in the e-shop.

Why should you get to know your customers better? How to segment your target group in the e-shop?

What is marketing automation?

Find out what is the definition of marketing automation and what are its benefits for e-commerce business

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